August 31, 2011 I don’t need to tell you that we live in troubled times. Consider for a moment: Government spending is rising out of control. Our national debt is spiraling higher. Unemployment is hovering near 10%. Our education system is broken. Our military is stretched to the breaking point. And the cost of everyday goods and services continues to creep higher and higher. Meanwhile, the “remedies” thrust upon us by those in Washington – ‘stimulus’ plans, bailouts and good, old-fashioned money-printing – only make the situation worse, not better. As an active duty JAG officer, I took an oath to defend the Constitution of the United States. That oath didn’t have an expiration date. That is why I am seeking the Republican Party nomination for U.S. Senate from the state of Connecticut. My name is Brian Hill, and I believe there is no more important time for constitutionalist Republicans to run for higher office. I represent a new kind of Connecticut Republican. I was born and raised in Connecticut. I am a proud graduate of our public schools and one of our state universities. And I diligently worked my way through college and law school. I’m not a self-financed millionaire looking for something to do and I’m not a career politician attracted to power. I spent twelve years as an active duty officer in both the Navy and U.S. Army. Today I am a small business owner of a private practice law firm in downtown Hartford. I'm an ordinary person taking on the extraordinary task of bringing order to the chaotic political system that is destroying our American middle class, and indeed, our country. I believe in the free market. I believe that we will only create jobs when we embrace free market principles and make it easier, not harder, for citizens to start and grow small businesses. It’s time to stop redistributing our wealth and to start generating more of it. I believe we have a spending problem, not a revenue problem. Washington has been engaging in out-of-control spending for years, and it’s time we put a check on that. I want to cut government spending, eliminate double taxation and take a chainsaw to federal red tape. I believe that local government is best. I support keeping our tax dollars in Connecticut, and leaving education and health care in the hands of individuals, not Washington bureaucrats. I believe in more competition, not less. I believe in a strong national defense. I believe we can have a first-class military while being smarter about how we spend our money. Having served myself, I’ve witnessed terrible waste in defense spending. Our focus should be on putting America’s interests first, not nation-building overseas. My campaign will strive to share these principles with Connecticut citizens from all walks of life. The message of empowerment over entitlement brings people together, and is one that I intend to spread to all communities across our state. I will campaign as hard for the vote in the hilltowns as I will in our cities and along our shore. No other candidate is as uniquely poised to reach all Nutmeggers. Like you, I still believe in the greatness of our country. Only in America could someone like me run for high office – and win. Together, we will overcome our challenges and once again make America that “shining city upon a hill.” Visit my website at: to learn more. I truly appreciate your support: For freedom, Brian K. Hill  |